The Kingdom of God: The Promised Paradise of Christianity

Yareni Beltran


January 20, 2025



Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev

In Yareni Beltran’s life-transforming guide and Christian book, Building Bridges Made in His Image, she advocates for the continued and furthered interaction of the Christian community. This is all in service to the promise of Christ and in preparation for the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is a cornerstone of the Christian faith.

When Christ first did his earthly ministry, he walked among the faithful with the promise of salvation and eternal life. The Kingdom of God is precisely the manifestation of this promise or the prophesied realization. Within the Kingdom of God is the ultimate destination of all of humanity.

This is because the promised Kingdom is the absolute embodiment of peace and justice. All humans yearn for peace and justice; thus, the Kingdom of God reflects this primal yearning. Humanity also desires to reconnect with its origins. The Kingdom of God fulfills this, too, because within its shining walls, the will of God is perfectly fulfilled, and according to the Bible, to live with and in accordance with the Lord was humanity’s primordial state. Remember the lives of Adam and Eve before they ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.

A simple background with the word Jesus on it.
Christ promised the Kingdom of God.

Photo by Tara Winstead

The Promised Paradise of Christianity

While the Garden of Eden looms over humanity as the paradise of its past, the Kingdom of God is the paradise that all Christians wait for in the future. This means that the conditions needed for the Kingdom to appear are something that all believers should work towards together and with dedication; the coming of the Kingdom must permeate every action.

There must then be a foundation of repentance and faith. Only those who have turned away from sin and embraced Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are allowed entry into the Kingdom. As such, acknowledgment of one’s sinful nature is paramount, as is the cleansing of evil through utmost faith in Christ.

As potential denizens of God’s Kingdom, Christians should live accordingly. What this means is that they must act as if the Kingdom is already present. Lives of holiness (or, at least, ones where the pursuit of holiness permeates) are necessary as they allow people to infuse themselves with the character of God, revealing His grace through their thoughts, their words, and their deeds.

The Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of Love. As such, a Christian should be led by love and compassion. This is to say that one should act in service of others, love their neighbors as they would love themselves, and provide for the poor and the needy as they would provide for their kin.

A statue of Christ.
Christ promised the Kingdom of God.

Photo by RDNE Stock project

Hope for All Things

The Kingdom of God is, first and foremost, a plea for kindness and a hope for a good future. It is also a clear reminder that whatever one’s actions are in this world, it is ultimately God who has full control of the universe’s course and that His plan is what is most beneficial for everyone.  

19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that[a] the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

Romans 8:19-21

Love and the power of God are what make the Kingdom a reality, transforming an idea into something that is concrete and tangible. This will be a world where injustice is intolerable, peace is the highest order, and the entirety of creation thrives.

The Kingdom of God is a journey, not a destination. It is a call to embrace God’s love, to live in accordance with his will, and to work towards the transformation of the world.

As Christians journey towards the fulfillment of God’s eternal purposes, they can find hope, joy, and meaning in the promise of the Kingdom to come.

Yareni Beltran’s Building Bridges Made in His Image is a great book to begin learning how to connect with fellow Christians and realize the promise of God together. Click this link here so you can grab a copy right now.

Yareni Beltran

Yareni Beltran is an inspiring author and healthcare professional originally from Hidalgo, Mexico. In her book, Building Bridges: Made in His Image, she shares her personal journey of faith and identity, illustrating how she rediscovered her purpose through Christ. Yareni’s story resonates with many, as she embodies the spirit of resilience and hope, serving as a role model for immigrants and individuals seeking their own paths. Her work not only uplifts readers but also encourages them to embrace their unique identities and the transformative power of faith in their lives.

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